Holding the Pharmacy to the Same Standards as the Contract Micro Lab


Abby Roth, a leading authority in pharmaceutical microbiology, delivers a transformational presentation tailored specifically for the compounding pharmacy industry with live step-by-step demonstrations.

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Webinar Speakers

abby roth portrait
Abby Roth

CMQ/OE, Pure Microbiology

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Contec® Healthcare TB1-3300™ Disinfectant Wipes

Contec® Healthcare TB1-3300™ Disinfectant Wipes

Contec Healthcare TB1-3300 Disinfectant are low lint wipes containing a blend of quaternary ammonium and ethyl alcohol available in sterile and ...

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PeridoxRTU® Sporicide, Disinfectant and Cleaner

PeridoxRTU® Sporicide, Disinfectant and Cleaner

PeridoxRTU sporicidal disinfectant is a broad spectrum EPA-Registered sporicide, bactericide, virucide, tuberculocide and fungicide disinfectant and ...

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Contec® Critical Site® Sterile Wipes

Contec® Critical Site® Sterile Wipes

Critical sites must be wiped with sterile 70% IPA (Isopropyl Alcohol) in the primary engineering control to provide both chemical and mechanical ...

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